AWS Cloud Sandbox

AWS Cloud Sandbox

Play with your Ideas and Master your AWS Skills

AWS Cloud Sandbox

Our AWS Sandboxes provide a secure, isolated, and contained environment where you can use your code and applications to experiment, learn, and explore.
SMEC360 sandboxes are a safe place to explore and experiment with your ideas on AWS. You can set up any number of services and applications in our AWS Sandboxes.
Change the way you learn and eliminate the fear of making mistakes. You can’t break anything in an AWS Sandbox, hence dive in with full confidence and deploy your own applications.
This includes
Play with your Ideas and Master your AWS Skills
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Key Features of AWS Sandbox

Account Isolation

Our AWS sandboxes are set to function in an isolated environment without hindering other AWS users. Thereby you are free to experiment with your ideas.

Zero Infrastructure Cost

Yes, It’s Zero - SMEClabs sandboxes help fasten your AWS learning. Never worry about the AWS infrastructure setup cost.

Hands-On Learning

Try setting up your own AWS configuration. Do not worry about any misconfiguration. Learn and experiment with full peace of mind.

Secure Administration

You can easily create and destroy AWS environments as needed. All your activities are isolated, hence the administration is always secure.

Data Movement

You can upload any data, applications, and test in our AWS Sandboxes for your learning needs. Feel free to move your data between multiple AWS services.

Product Technical Support

Whenever you felt in trouble while experimenting with your ideas, you can always reach out to our technical support team. We are happy to help!

No Hidden Charges

Our AWS sandbox plans are very transparent. Based on your subscribed plan, your AWS sandboxes are fully customized and there are no hidden charges. You can experiment with any AWS resources at any number of times without paying anything extra.

Automated Deletion System

Our AWS sandboxes are configured to follow an Automated deletion system. All your AWS experiments will be deleted automatically. You can customize your AWS console whenever you need to test any applications and services and that too without any downtime.

Allowed AWS Cloud Sandbox Services and Limits


Amazon EC2

1. Allow Launch and Terminate Amazon EC2 Instances
2. Allowed EC2 AMIs:
– Amazon Linux AMI
– Ubuntu Server LTS
– Microsoft Windows Server Base
3. Alowed EC2 Instance Types:
– t2.micro
– t3.micro
4. Allowed EC2 Volume Size: 30 GiB
5. Allowed EC2 Volume Types:
– General Purpose SSD (gp2)
– General Purpose SSD (gp3)
6. Allowed Regions:
– N.Virginia (us-east-1)
– Mumbai (ap-south-1)

Elastic Load Balancing

1. Allow Create, Update, Delete AWS Elastic LoadBalancers
2. Types of LoadBalancers Allowed:
– Application LoadBalancer
– Network LoadBalancer
3. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

AWS Lambda

1. Allow Create, Update, Delete AWS Lambda Functions
2. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

Amazon EC2 Autoscaling

1. Allow Create, Update, Delete AWS Autoscaling Groups
2. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)


Amazon S3

1. Allow Create & Delete Amazon S3 Buckets
2. Allow Upload and Delete S3 Objects
3. Allowed S3 Features:
– Host Static Websites
– Enable S3 Bucket Versioning
– Enable S3 Event Notifications
4. Allowed Region: N/A

Amazon Elastic File System

1. Allow Create, Update, Delete AWS Elastic File System (EFS)
2. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

Amazon Glacier

1. Allow Create, Update, Delete Amazon S3 Glacier Vault.
2. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)


Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

1. Allow Create, Update and Delete AWS RDS Instances & Snapshots
2. Allowed Database Engine: MySQL
3. Allowed Database Instance Type: db.t2.micro
4. Allowed Database Instance Volume Size: 20 GB
5. Allowed Regions: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

Amazon DynamoDB

1. Allow Create, Update and Delete DynamoDB Table and Items
2. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)

1. Allow Create, Update and Delete QLDB Ledger
2. Read access to Amazon QLDB Database
3. Allowed Region: N. Virginia (us-east-1)

Developer Tools

AWS CodeBuild

1. Allow Create, Update and Delete Projects
2. Allow Start, Retry and Stop Builds
3. Allow CodeBuild OS:
– Amazon Linux AMI
– Ubuntu LTS
– Windows Server
4. Read Access to AWS CodeBuild Service
5. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

AWS CodePipeline

1. Allow Create, Update and Delete CodePipeline Pipelines
2. Allow Start, Stop CodePipeline Pipeline Execution
3. Read Access to AWS CodePipeline Service.
4. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

AWS CodeDeploy

1. Allow Create, Continue and Stop CodeDeploy Deployment
2. Allow Create, Update and Delete CodeDeploy Deployment Groups
3. Read Access to AWS CodeDeploy Service
4. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

AWS CloudShell

1. Allow Create, Start and Stop and Delete CloudShell Environment
2. Allow Create CloudShell Session
3. Read Access to AWS CloudShell Service
4. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

AWS Cloud9

1. Allow Create, Delete Cloud9 EC2 Environment
2. Cloud9 Environment type Allowed:
– Direct Access
– Access via Systems Manager
3. Allowed Cloud9 AMI’s:
– Amazon Linux AMI
– Ubuntu Server LTS
4. Allowed Instance Type: t2.micro
5. Read Access to AWS Cloud9 Service
6. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)


AWS CodeDeploy
1. Allow Create, Continue and Stop CodeDeploy Deployment
2. Allow Create, Update and Delete CodeDeploy Deployment Groups
3. Read Access to AWS CodeDeploy Service
4. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)

AWS CloudShell

1. Allow Create, Start and Stop and Delete CloudShell Environment
2. Allow Create CloudShell Session
3. Read Access to AWS CloudShell Service
4. Allowed Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1)